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Definition of Mass Communication:
                                      Mass Communication refers to the process by which a complex organization with the aid of one of two machines produce and transmit public message are targeted large , heterogeneous and Scattered audiences (Dminick, J. R. 1993).

Definition of Mass Media:
                                    Amedium is the channel through which a message travels from the sources to the receiver ("medium " is singular , "media " is plural ). Mass Media uses theses channels to carry the message our definition of mass media will include not only the mechanical devices that transmit and sometimes store the message  (TV cameras, radio microphones, printing presses) but also the institutions that use theses machines to transmit messages. When we talk about the mass media of television, radio, newspapers, magazine, sound recoding,and film, we will referring to the communication (Dminick, J. R. 1993).

Banners, billboards books DVDs, CD's, Video cassettes, computer games, world wide web and

Kinds of mass media ; Print and Electronic Media

Mass media can be divided into two fundamental categories:
  • Electronic Media
  • Print Media
According to Shahid (1999) six major media of mass communication are newspapers, Although print and electronic media both play vital roles in mass communication yet with the changing times more and more are people are turning to the electronic media which are sweeping aside the barrier of illiteracy, which has traditionally excluded vast population from access to information and entertainment via the printed word. In a society like Pakistan, which has a low literacy rate. audio-visual media has very strong impact due to the limited scope of the print media.

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