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Punjab Protection of Women Against Violence Bill Women's protection bill pakistan 2016

 Constitution of the eighteenth amendment to Pakistan provincial health, education, employment, and has crossed the legislation in matters such as fundamental rights in the landmark Domestic Violence Prevention and Protection of Women Bill in this regard is launched Currently gives the matte look.

Assembly Bill prevention and prevention of domestic violence was passed in March 2013. The affected person can make it here a man, woman and child.that child protection, child marriage and social protection, family courts and separate laws or amendments to the family law references in Punjab have been.

Relevant sectors and civil society to help the chief minister and senior member of Special Monitoring Unit for peace Salman Sufi draft Protection of Women Bill Provincial Assembly of Punjab in May 2015, was a victim of the delay time which is around March 2016the provincial government will also look appropriate ran into its ranks.

bill is forced to repeatedly read and understand.

The bill, which was passed just getting to hear a phrase that every debate at the moment is that "will be shattered family system, increased divorce rates." Even a party MLA Floor of the house said that "the right to religious men that women assume when they can stomach the woman that she should not go outside the four walls of the report." this individual legislation to public representatives I opened the tin of social issues is good. Assembly approved a bill to protect women from violence and provide such dynamic is unable to give us a clear definition as eloquently shown in the Sindh Assembly. But the more important point to make here is given effect by embodying it in the law effectively.

I appreciate the points abtdayh was mistreating the victim did not care to consider hy.js jarha.lfz "relative risk", which have been used are all blood relations hutyhyn.dusry numberis that the divorce rate is crippled increase was also under pressure in terms of physical, not psychological violence hy.jnsy violence, stalking and harassment and cyber crimes included in the law of the society of girls guaranteed safe life.

Law must be restored universal toll-free number facility gy.prutyksn centers and shelter homes will be made where appropriate staff mediating sides first job recruitment centers and cleaning the atmosphere of peace, to put into the need to understand who is refusing to give us some religious groups.

District level will be entitled to a female officer who will be following in the District Women Protection committee formed to address women's complaints in his district
District Health Officer
Community Officer
District Social Welfare Officer
The district police chief
District level prosecutor
The female officer appointed at the district level under the Women Protection Law
the first duty of this committee to mediate between the parties and reconciliation huga.adalt not take any notice of the issue will never be able to apply the Women Protection Committee unless the gy.yh important jarhahy.balkl style I see us as This law is not being brought before the clause would be false information / sentenced to three months in the case of registration of the complaint and at least fifty thousand and a maximum penalty of Rs.

help to remove loopholes in the implementation process.

The victim or the person can own three complaints to the District Women prutysn officer appointed by him; 1. Protection 2. Accommodation / housing issues 3.What is wrong with the classes, that are running above sisters, daughters courts are degraded in recent years, it is proving to be kicked or Punjabi Badr did the "eat away" by the bankruptcy court rhyn.agr two masters

This band just to keep the results be put in danger the defendant addressee ga.js of the victim's work location and afforded shelter etc realize that his actions are is being monitored on the pulse and he avoided getting beaten zdu the loss of acid attacks, attempted murder or violence.

also taking into account the economic situation of respondents earning respect our Internet addressee prior to the client, they also occur, which lays claim to the earnings of women working under him'd ukub.or damage to property if need be taken of women's rights, compensation will be dealt with under family law cases to pay alimony huga.nyz defendant addressee.

all or some of the details in any case can be indicated to the public on the grounds of privacy, the protection, social status, which will detail what happened to the society prejudice and any threat to the officer's life, Included. This year will be available in Shelter Home and the facilities which will be the first cell protection under the law in the city in June.

in order to satisfy ... The one and a half years ago, a woman, a report released by the Foundation reports 2170 during the year 2014 in the country, 1610 murders, 1515 znaءbaljbr, N 931 suicides, 713 murders of honor, 494 domestic violence, 74% sexual harassment,.What total investment figure of 86% of kidnapping, killing 60%, 92% and 83% of rape cases reported acid attacks have taken place in the same province. In this situation, even if it be said that no legislation would be considerable speculation about the collective future of women in society.

government representative, a work nmaynzhby party's representative and a number of opposition leaders sit down in futile and useless if it is permitted instead to bring the excitement of the conversation to the government or the media that makes it easier, in common language the contents of the law briefly be explained to the public so that they stay away from buying cheap thief nurture hatred.

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