Why does not the ongoing process of reproduction?Symptoms of Menopause.
Colours undergo menopause like human females veal menopause to menopause in women has always been a mystery to scientists. After all, why are they not all women capable of producing more children after reaching half of his life, although the process of reproduction of Darwin's natural selection theory should be continued?
One theory they reach the age of menopause in women is the same that has been presented, the remaining life of the only medical facilities. But the presence of menopause in Val belies this view.
This is the idea that women are moving forward and growing wise with age. This is a beautiful addition to the children that in this world is something
Christa D'Souza
University of professor Darren craft ayksytr that the evolutionary approach is hard to explain why someone does not stop baby so soon? But the research may well light on the evolution of this process. "
The question is whether the older females of their family have any special advantage right which could help compensate for the lack of genetic unable to produce children?
Scientists have conducted the elderly are the color wheel color 'leadership concluded that videos containing hundreds of hours of observation wells and guides to provide food for their families. "
The important thing is that it becomes more active when a burhyan food that the whole family be reduced, which shows benefit from their experience and environmental information.
Kraft says it's just like humans. Where Google first such store that we had to ask if it is coming famine, community leaders, we have food and water, where they were asked. This type of knowledge is increasing with age. "
They also saw the benefit of more adult son Val.
Remnants of tribal children in the world who adhere to the principles of ancient life today, their observations revealed that large burhyan are raising their children and children to play and important role in survival.
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Plays an active role in raising a child hadza burhyan tribes in Tanzania and training
University of Utah Kirsten Hawks conclusion from research on hadza tribes of Tanzania are harder to find food than burhyan young women.
In the view of Professor craft may be another reason. And that menopause is due to competition for food or a mother and a trend in which children are not born a child with her daughter. Usually full of fish are well helping hand in raising children.
Christie de Souza heard the author of a book on the subject of menopause. She says: 'This is the idea that women are moving forward and growing wise with age. This is a beautiful addition to the children that in this world, no one else.