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Psycho-Social Determinants of sex-typeng

Factors Responsible for sex Typing 

Socialization is a process by which members of a society shape the shape the behaviour of immature individuals so that they trow into competent contributing participants. family, community and peers are very significant agents in the process of socialization. Parents shape the sex-typed behaviour through extending the differential treatment and providing an opportunity for identification. The parents and other adults behave differently with boys and girls within the family. The child learns that and also has an opportunity . These two processes are inter linked. The sex-roles can more behaviour with only any one of the mechanisms. These two reinforce each other. or the differential behaviour can not produce the sex-roles unless the child goes through the process of deification , which would provide a cognitive emotive bridge between the person and the perceived standard of social structure.

Some type of behaviors are clearly labeled with gender specification. For example in Pakistani culture emotionalize , specially weeping is considered a typical female characteristic. From the very beginning the male child is thought that he should not cry, because boys do not cry. If a baby boy gets hurt the mother would say oh do not cry you are a brave person . But in the same house the child sees that the mother cries while watching a sentimental movie on video or while having a quarrel with the father. It has the implication that the mother is not brave. Although the girl child is not being said directly that you can cry, however , through identification with the same sex parents the girl child learns that crying is not an undesirable act for females, but males should prove to be brave by not crying.

It is observed that during pre-school age the sex-typed expression and gender-biases are very rigid. These are influenced by social factors but at the same time the limited cognitive abilities are child grows the knowledge about sex differences increases. They starts learning about the temperamental differences and also about the flexibility is the result of the varied experience and the influence of variety of observations.

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