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Showing posts from April, 2014

Women and Drugs How Affected in a Society

Women and Drugs How Affected in a Society P eople take drugs for a variety of reasons. Women do use and depend on drugs. Some women use drugs as a coping strategy during particularly stressful times in their lives. There are many different kinds of drugs, with a variety of different effects. Opiates, stimulants, tranquilizers, etc, can all affect in different ways. Some drugs have side effects, that alter appetites or bodily functions. Many women find that using drugs such as ecstasy (MD-MA) or speed (amphetamines) can result in a loss of appetite and consequently weight loss. Women are more at risk from heatstroke than men because women have different water/fat ratios in their bodies. Although both women and men take drugs, because of their different chemical make-ups, take they affect each gender differently. In addition, women experience hormonal changes throughout their lives with puberty, menopause, and pregnancy. During each of this unique phases in a woman's life, she n...